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Thoughts & Tips from The Doctor of Fitness: Fitness Trainer, Nutrition Expert, & Sports Medicine Physician

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National Wear Red Day

on Tuesday, 02 February 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Red is the color of love and passion. It’s bold and vibrant. It demands our attention and inspires us to action. This February, red takes on another meaning. Friday, February 5th is National Wear Red Day, a day dedicated to women’s heart health. 

Heart disease and stroke are still the leading causes of deaths among women, nearly 1 in 3— that’s more than all cancers combined. Here are some tips to keep your heart strong:

Get Active.  A fit and active lifestyle cannot only help you look and feel better, but it can help you live long enough to enjoy it. Studies have shown that 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity can significantly lower your risk of heart disease.

Control Cholesterol.  One simple way to control your cholesterol levels is to avoid eating a lot of red meats and processed foods. Instead fill out your diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Manage Blood Pressure.  Higher blood pressure levels place additional strain on your arteries, causing them to tear and generate scar tissue. Over time, these scarred areas can trap plaque, creating clogged and hardened arteries and overworking your heart.

Stop Smoking.  That cigarette may get you through a stressful day, but it also damages your entire system, increasing your risk for coronary heart disease, hardened arteries, aneurysm and blood clots. Not the best choice for a stress reliever!

You take care of your family, so why not take care of yourself and your heart?  For more information about National Wear Red Day and women’s heart health, visit Go Red for Women.

Tax Changes for the New Year

on Tuesday, 26 January 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Did you know that the US federal income tax code is 4 times longer than the complete works of Shakespeare? It's doubtful that any single person could possibly know everything in it, and just to make sure, there are tax changes every year! Here are some changes that may or may not affect you in 2016:

  • April 15, 2016 is an official District of Columbia holiday (Emancipation Day)—which means you will have until April 18, 2016 to file your return.
  • Many people were shocked at the $95/person penalty for not having health insurance last year. If you do not have coverage for 2015, you will have to pay the higher of either 2% of your income above the filing threshold, or $695 per person ($347.50 per child under 18).
  • Some recent changes in Social Security and Medicare benefits may affect you or family members.
  • Inflation adjustments have been made to over 40 tax provisions, including personal adjustments. Likewise, tax bracket thresholds have increased for each filing status.
  • The standard mileage rate for business miles has increased from 56 cents per mile in 2014 to 57.5 cents for 2015.

Speaking of changes, what changes are going on in your own family? If you have a child who turned 17 in 2014, you will no longer be able to claim the child tax credit for that child. Have you turned 65? That can make significant changes on your tax return too.  

In today’s world the only constant is change, and for 2016, your taxes are no exception.

Tax Year by the Numbers

on Tuesday, 19 January 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness, Sports Medicine

Just in case you haven't been keeping up with all the latest and greatest facts and figures about last year's US federal income taxes, we'll let you in on a few juicy tidbits:

Dying to know about the President's 2014 tax return?  The Obamas were able to itemize this year, but there were no medical deductions. Since taxpayers are only allowed to deduct medical expenses that are over 10% of their adjusted gross income, many people aren't eligible to take the medical deductions; the Obamas would have needed over $47,000 in out-of-pocket medical expenses to take advantage of this deduction. Fortunately they were a healthy bunch last year!

Tax identity theft hasn't gone away—an estimated 1.4 million people were alerted by the IRS by letter this year that their tax identities may have been compromised. Due to IRS budget cuts, it can take an average of 278 days to resolve tax identity theft issues.

The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) was a new issue for the 2014 tax year. About 1 in 6 Americans now have Marketplace plans, and about 87% of those people received financial assistance.

Interested in getting a whole LOT of money from the IRS? The IRS's whistleblower program could net you up to $10 million. Of course, due to those IRS cutbacks, and the large amount of paperwork that they undoubtedly have to sift through from ex-employees and ex-spouses, etc., it might take some time for you to earn your fortune this way.

Taxes, numbers and statistics. What could be better this time of year?

Health and Fitness Trends for 2016

on Tuesday, 12 January 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

If your New Year Resolutions are health and fitness related—and you know they are!—you might be interested in what trends are predicted for 2016. Read on...

  • Be more aware of controlling your portions by preparing your food in muffin pans! Just about any meatloaf or casserole recipe can be divided into muffin trays prior to baking. Find some inspiration in this Country Living article.
  • We'll be seeing more changes in the cereal aisle at the supermarket. General Mills has a whole line of gluten-free cereals, and Kellogg’s will be removing genetically modified organisms (GMO) from their products. Other products are promising to provide more natural ingredients and less processing as well.
  • Vibrant colors along with different textures and shapes are going to be seen at more restaurants. If you like to keep up with current trends you can experiment with “spiralizing” veggies. Here are some recipes to try.
  • This infographic reports the upcoming trends in fitness. Group personal training may be a good fit for you—it's a chance to hang out with your friends who might help you keep accountable for your goals.
  • If you're really looking for a fun fad, “crunning,” a crawling-walking workout popular in Australia right now, may interest you. (This activity really looks like it should be approved by your physician first!)

While it's not important to keep up with the latest trends, any fitness activity is good for you, and maybe some of these healthy-eating and exercise ideas will inspire you to try something different. Who knows? A little creativity might be just the thing to help you reach your goals.

End of the Year Record Keeping

on Tuesday, 05 January 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Ahhh, the end of another year…

It's a wonderful time for reflection, a chance to see how far you've come over the last twelve months, and a time to plan for the future. You might decide to page through the 2015 photo albums, but here's another option: reminisce while you're going through last year's tax records!

Prior tax returns. This is a great time to lessen the amount of paperwork you’ve been saving. Most sources say you should save your tax returns forever, but that supporting documents (sales copies, receipts, etc.) can be shredded after three years. A good rule of thumb is to keep any documents that have to deal with property for as long as you own the property. This includes depreciation schedules, contracts, and so on.

Remember to safeguard your tax returns, as they do contain information such as your family's names and social security numbers.

Proper documentation. It's important to make sure you have corroborating evidence to back up any income and deductions on your returns. Mileage logs, company reimbursement policies, receipts for job-related moves or education—all of these are important to have on hand for business deductions. Be sure you have receipts for any out-of-pocket medical expenses, including your health insurance policy payments if it's not through your employer.

Sure, it's not exactly a Norman Rockwell post-holiday moment, but getting a head start on your taxes can get it over with so you have time to do other, more enjoyable things.

Traditions to Bring In the New Year

on Tuesday, 29 December 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness


If you could be assured of success and good fortune for the next twelve months, what would you be willing to do? There are many traditions and superstitions associated with celebrating New Year's Eve and New Year's Day in an effort to bring about prosperity and good luck.

Here are a few easy ones that might make a difference, if you believe in that sort of thing!

Take Care of Business...Many believe that it's important to have debts paid off by New Year's Eve, in order to be debt-free for the coming year. Likewise, having your pantry filled with food at the start of the year will mean that you will not go hungry.

…But maybe not the Laundry.  Having your house clean by New Year's Eve is considered lucky, but don't clean your home—sweep, take out garbage, wash clothes or dishes—on New Year's Day. Doing so risks bringing about bad luck.

Bring a Little Color into Your Life.Many cultures believe colors have special meanings, so it's no wonder many superstitions involve color. Some people believe decorating your home in bright colors for the New Year will bring luck; others believe wearing colorful clothing may do the same thing. When it comes to choosing colors, red is usually associated with prosperity or romance; green means good health; blue symbolizes peace; orange is for those seeking wisdom.

Regardless of your beliefs in superstitions, beginning the New Year with a fresh outlook and a willingness to allow positive experiences into your life will help bring you a year of good fortune.


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