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Doctor of Fitness

A Day of Service

on Tuesday, 11 January 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day occurs on January 17, 2022. Since 1994, this federal holiday has been celebrated as a day of service, a fitting tribute to the civil rights leader. Dr. King promoted nonviolence as a powerful tool in accomplishing social change. Consider ways that you can promote the goal of peace and equal rights today.

Speak up. 

The call for change begins with a single voice. If you have an issue that is important to you, tell people about it. Educate a friend. Organize a petition. Write to your congressional representatives. If it matters, get the word out.

Meet the needs of your community.

A struggling school could use volunteer tutors. Food banks need volunteers to sort and package donations. Participate in cleaning up a local park or other recreational area. Your efforts to improve quality of life for the community can enable others to succeed.

Gather together to remember.

It’s nice to have the day off from work or school, but it’s also important to remember why. A life was cut tragically short while working to secure and protect civil rights for everyone. Check out the Day of Servicewebsite and find a place you can serve. Join together and discuss the issues in your community and find ways to make a positive change.

Dr. King remarked, “The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what’s important.” Take time to enrich the quality of your own life and others’ lives on January 17 by taking part in the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service.

Financial Resolutions for your New Year

on Tuesday, 04 January 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

With the start of the New Year, are you making some resolutions about your finances? Here are a few tips that might help you reach some goals for 2022:

Plan ahead for the coming year.   

Is your car going to need some major repairs, or will you need to purchase a new one? Don't put off thinking about large expenses till the last minute. Make some decisions now and look for alternatives too. Perhaps the gym membership isn't affordable this year, but a thrift store bicycle might well be the answer.  

Change the way you think.  

Before you make a purchase, figure out how many hours of work are required to pay for it. Are you still willing to splurge?  

There are studies that show that people are willing to pay 30% more for an item when paying with a credit card. Having to fork over that hard-earned cash might deter you from spending so much of it!

Splurge sensibly.  

There's nothing wrong with having a few financial vices because they can keep the others in check. Food, clothing, and entertainment are often our weaknesses. Pick the one you can't live without—will it be the exotic coffees, or the designer shoes?  

A few changes can make a big difference in your financial state, so spend wisely in the New Year.

Happy New Year!

on Tuesday, 28 December 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

“New year —a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.” —Alex Morritt

During this time, it’s natural for many people to want to look back and try to put the last year in perspective. We want to look at what went wrong and more importantly, what we can do better. This brings up the topic of New Years’ Resolutions. The bottom line is everyone makes them, but few people keep them. 

One way to keep those promising resolutions is to be realistic about which ones you can achieve. You’re not going to become an entirely different person just because the calendar flips, however if you’re reasonable about your goals you can still achieve success.

If you’re serious about your resolution, you need to spend some time coming up with a plan. What will you need to achieve your goals? How much time and resources will it take? How much if any help will you need?

No matter how much you want to, chances are you won’t accomplish everything at once. Break your resolution into smaller, more readily achievable, parts. Doing it that way makes the overall task seem less overwhelming and gives you milestones to measure your progress along the way.

People may laugh at New Years’ resolutions, but there’s nothing wrong with making them. If you make some that you can reasonably accomplish and put together a plan to make them happen, you stand a much better chance of ringing in a new, improved you.

Good luck and Happy New Year!

School Vacation during the Holidays

on Tuesday, 21 December 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Ahh, vacation! Whether it’s the beach, the mountains or something in between, no summer feels complete without a memorable vacation. But summer isn’t the only time for a great trip. 

The holidays can be a surprisingly good chance to take a break from the holiday rush, and the best part is that since most schools have a holiday break anyway, if you plan it right you can minimize the school time your kids miss. If your travel plans do run longer, some school districts have a ‘contract’, where if your kids do miss time from school, say for a Christmas excursion to New York, they can get their assignments in advance and work on them in spare moments during the trip. You’ll want to check with school policy and work with your child’s teachers to make everything as smooth as possible.

While travel can be enlightening, consider adding some educational opportunities to your travel itinerary, such as a museum or a cultural exhibit. You might even come back a little wiser yourself. 

Where you travel and if you travel at all will depend on your kids. You’ll want to consider their age, habits, and their wishes. Not every child wants to be pulled out of school and not every kid enjoys travel. If you’re bringing the kids along make sure it’s what they want and plan things for them to do. A vacation isn’t much of a getaway if your kids are miserable half the time. 

A holiday vacation isn’t for everyone, but if done right it can be a fun time for the whole family. If you think travel may be in the cards for you and the kiddos this holiday season, check out these additional travel tips. We wish you safe travels!

Surviving Holiday Calories

on Tuesday, 14 December 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The holidays can be a lot of fun. You’ve got lights, gifts, parties, and plenty of holiday cheer to share with friends and family. And to top it all off, there’s an abundance of holiday goodies! Whether it’s Grandma’s special Thanksgiving dressing, neighbor Sally’s holiday cookies or Uncle Barney’s ultra-secret eggnog recipe, you have plenty to choose from. The only question is whether you’ll survive all that holiday goodness.

One way to cope is to introduce some healthy alternatives. Lentils can make a great alternative to candied sweet potatoes. How about heart-healthy avocados instead of heavy cream? The possibilities are endless. Have them on hand for your family or bring them to holiday parties. With luck, you can start some new, healthier holiday traditions. 

Another good way to save some calories, is to watch your portion size. It’s a tough one, we admit. Remember that most of those holiday favorites are rich, so a little goes a long way.

Remember also that it’s not just food you have to watch out for. That great holiday eggnog from Uncle Barney’s private stock has as many calories as the average fast-food milkshake. Plus that holiday punch that’s sitting there so colorfully, is probably loaded with sugar. Sometimes it pays to bring your own water.

The holiday season doesn’t have to derail the healthy lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to maintain all year. With a little extra work and attention, you can still have a festive, fun holiday without overloading on the calories. 

Happy December Holidays!

on Tuesday, 07 December 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

If you look at it from afar, December doesn’t really have a lot going for it unless you’re a penguin. It’s the darkest month of the year in the northern hemisphere. There’s also ice and snow in many parts of the country, which sounds all right until you have to drive in it. It’s enough to make you want to skip the whole thing and hibernate ‘til spring. 

Then you drive down a street and see the silver and gold lights glistening on the newly fallen snow or hear a carol ringing out through the frosty air and you’re reminded of the magic of the holidays.

It’s a special time, a time when we hope most people are a little nicer and a little more patient with their fellow human beings. It’s a time when we reconnect with friends and family we haven’t seen all year. Our houses look a little more cheerful and bright. We dig through some old boxes for a dusty photo book or check the TV listings for old favorites like How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We reminisce about Christmases long, long ago or hang a bit of mistletoe. 

It’s true that the weather outside is frightful, but for a little while we don’t mind. Like any kind of magic, holiday magic is fleeting, so take some time to enjoy it. After all, it only comes once a year.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

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