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Doctor of Fitness

Thank You, Veterans

on Tuesday, 09 November 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

When we consider our lives, it’s pretty easy to forget how many choices we have. We can choose what we say or where we worship, for example. It’s equally easy to forget how many people in the world don’t have the chance to make many of these choices. From Concord and Lexington to Iwo Jima and continuing to today, we have the ability to choose in large part due to the sacrifices of our veterans. Veteran’s Day is November the 11th, so take a moment to say ‘thank you.’

You can say thanks in many ways. Fly a flag correctly. Attend a Veteran’s Day event in your local community or donate to a reputable veteran’s organization. Help out a military family in need. Why not visit a veteran or write to one? There are lots of ways to get involved. 

If other obligations mean you can’t get involved the way you would like, you can even observe a two minute moment of national silence, a two-minute time to silently honor our veterans. Passed as an official act of congress in 2016, the two minutes of silence is officially observed at 2:11 PM Eastern standard Time. 

It also important not to get Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day confused. The former is for living veterans, while the latter is to remember those who gave their lives for their country. 

Veterans are an important part of our country that is sometimes overlooked. It’s fair to say our lives would be considerably different without them. On Veteran’s Day (and every day) remember to say a word of appreciation to those who served for our country.  

Keeping Up Your Exercise Routine in the Winter

on Tuesday, 02 November 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

When the weather is nice, it’s not that hard to motivate yourself to go for a brisk jog along that pretty nature trail or do your favorite aerobics workout in the nearby park. But once it gets cold the equation changes. Who wants to go out and exercise in the freezing cold? Here are some ways to keep up your regular exercise routine even when the thermometer says you should be home curled up in front of the fireplace.

Dress to stay dry, not just warm. The fastest way to lose body heat is to get wet. In the winter, look for synthetic fabrics that wick away moisture rather than a cotton t-shirt that will leave you sweaty and miserable. On another clothing note, make sure to dress in layers so you can peel off clothes as you heat up and then put them back on after a workout. Remember your fingers, toes and ears are more vulnerable to extreme cold than the rest of you, so don’t forget the hat and gloves. 

Also remember that in the winter it’s not just cold you have to watch out for, but also darkness. If you’re outside, skip the black and go for bright colors so oncoming traffic can more easily see you.

Winter brings ice and snow with it, so check the surface before you start running on it and make sure whatever shoes you’re wearing have good traction and plenty of tread. Don’t forget your skin either. It can take a beating during the winter, so don’t skimp on the lip protection and moisturizer. 

Following these suggestions will not only help keep you safe, but also more comfortable. A more comfortable workout means you’re more likely to finish it rather than cutting it short, and you’ll be ready for the next one rather than letting your fitness routine hibernate through the winter. 

Not Everyone Celebrates Halloween

on Tuesday, 26 October 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Did you know about 600 million pounds of Halloween candy is sold in the U.S. every year? That’s about the equivalent of 24,000 school buses! 

But candy wasn’t a part of the holiday for a very long time. Originally the Celts celebrated Samhain, which marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter. It was believed that this was the time when the ghosts of the dead could come back. Once the Romans conquered the Celts, some of their traditions were combined. The festival of Samhain was eventually tied in with the Catholic celebration of saints, All Saints Day, or All-Hallowmas, with the night before called All-Hallows Eve, or Halloween.

When the Puritans and Pilgrims came to America, Halloween was not widely celebrated, as these were Protestant and Church of England factions. But once other Europeans arrived, the holiday began to gain momentum and new customs were created.

Since Halloween is such a big deal in America—we spend about half a billion dollars on costumes for our PETS alone!—it can be hard to remember that not everyone celebrates the holiday. Orthodox Jews and Muslims don’t celebrate it, since the origins are in Christianity. Some Christians don’t celebrate Halloween because they see it as a pagan holiday. Jehovah Witnesses don’t celebrate Halloween. There are also some people who believe that trick-or-treating is dangerous for children, or that simply too much money is spent on candy and costumes, and would prefer not to take part.

Just remember, one of the cornerstones of our society is freedom of religion. That means regardless of whether your coworker or neighbor observes Halloween, you should respect their beliefs. And that just means there’s more candy for the others!

What's the Best Apple for Apple Pie?

on Tuesday, 19 October 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

There are over 7,000 varieties of apples worldwide, and over 2,500 varieties grown in the U.S. Fortunately you don’t have to be an apple expert to decide which apples to buy for your apple pie—most orchards will tell you. Many produce sections at the grocery store have signs indicating what their apples are best used for, as well. 

While it’s easy enough to purchase a ready-made pie, there’s a certain satisfaction to baking your own. And it’s pretty easy once you know the basics. You can mix different varieties of apples. You just want to make sure they are all have similar textures and are cut in roughly the same size pieces. Don’t cut them too small or you’ll have applesauce pie. Peeling the apples is a personal preference. Tapioca, cornstarch or flour will most likely be needed to thicken your filling, so look for that in a recipe. 

On to the apples!

Granny Smiths are easy to find year-round and have the perfect tartness and firmness for pies. Be sure to team them up with a sweeter apple, or even a pear!

Golden Delicious apples are very popular and because they’re a little on the sweet side, feel free to reduce any added sugar.

Galas are another sweet apple but are a little firmer than Golden Delicious. 

Jonathan apples have a tart and tangy flavor. You might prefer Jonagolds, which are a mix of Jonathans and Golden Delicious—they’re a little sweeter.

Honey Crisp apples are sweet and are firm enough to keep your pies from getting too juicy.

Pink Lady apples are perfectly suited for pies, with that crisp texture and sweet-tart flavor.

McIntosh can be crisp when first harvested but will get mushy quickly—be sure to mix them with firmer apples.

Happy baking!

Picking Apples and Easy Applesauce Cake Recipes

on Tuesday, 12 October 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Are you ready to grab your sweater and head for the nearest apple orchard? Before you get in the car, you might want to make a few preparations first.

Planning the perfect apple picking day trip means you’ll need to either contact your local orchard or look at their website. You will want to know their days and hours of operation, their costs, and whether they take cards or are cash only. Do you have to pre-pay or buy tickets online? Is there a calendar of events? You may want to attend (or avoid) festivals and other activities. Will you need to bring bags or baskets?

Depending on your location, prime apple picking season is Labor Day through Halloween. Be sure to plan for any weather contingency—bring bug spray and sunscreen, dress in layers, and bring water to keep hydrated. Don’t forget to bring hand sanitizer, food if you’re planning to picnic, and a camera to capture those wonderful memories.

Below are some recipes for that fall favorite, applesauce cake. Some ways to take the apple flavor up a notch? Add ½ to ¾ cup of chopped apples to the cake batter or slice some apples and layer on top before baking.

Instant Pot Applesauce Cake

5-Ingredient Applesauce Cake

Old Fashioned Applesauce Cake

Apple picking is an age-old tradition. It can be a fun time for the whole family, and make us feel connected to the earth. And the best part… with these great recipes, the fun doesn’t end when you get home. 

Getting Your Garden Ready for Winter

on Tuesday, 05 October 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Beautiful yards and abundant gardens are something we all look forward to when the weather gets warm, but when winter is approaching there are still chores we need to do to prepare the plants, the earth, and ourselves for next spring’s gardening season. Here are some of those tasks:

Clean and sharpen garden tools. Remove dirt and rust with steel wool, then lightly apply oil to the metal blades AND the wooden handles. Refer to these videos if you need help.

Prune or cut back. You will probably have to do some research on your particular plants, but generally you want to wait until after a few frosts so that you aren’t encouraging new growth. And if you have any diseases or pest problems, don’t add those cuttings to your compost pile!

Fertilize—but no later than October. Once again, you don’t want to encourage new growth only to have the frosts kill it.

Mulch. Mulching helps insulate your plants root system, so cover your soil in a layer 1-3 inches thick. You can use grass clippings, hay or straw, wood chips, or leaf mulch.

Plant. Garlic and flower bulbs need to go in before the ground is frozen.

Enjoy the cool. Take advantage of the cooler weather and fix broken shed doors, repair a trellis, build new raised garden beds, plant trees or shrubs, etc.

Start a gardening notebook. The content is up to you, but some ideas would be keeping track of pest problems and solutions, diagrams of your garden areas, planting and harvesting dates, and garden maintenance.

These tips are bound to help you keep your gardens happy and healthy over the winter.

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