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Thoughts & Tips from The Doctor of Fitness: Fitness Trainer, Nutrition Expert, & Sports Medicine Physician

We write informally on topics we're passionate at Doctor Of Fitness - fitness, strength and conditioning, sports nutrition, sports medicine, and edge fitness and nutrition news. If you'd like to reach us directly, you can contact us here. For more information, you're invited to read Dr. Mancini's C.V. and informal bio.

What Are You Thankful For?

on Tuesday, 22 November 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Thanksgiving is the most widely celebrated holiday in the United States. For many families, this is the only time during the year that they are together, and they have many ways to celebrate their togetherness - mainly the annual feast. As the story goes, the first Thanksgiving was all about the pilgrims being thankful for the food that had been provided to them by the local Wampanoag tribe, and even today, when we think of counting our blessings, food should be included.

While we all know there are hungry people in villages on the other side of the world, we often forget that we may have neighbors who aren't well provided for. It's easy to take for granted that we can just stop at the local grocery store and buy our food, and leave the trouble of slaughtering animals and toiling in the fields to someone else. Whether it's at Thanksgiving, or throughout the year, we should take a few minutes to savor our food.

At the first Thanksgiving, the pilgrims received the gift of maize from the Native Americans, who considered corn a vital part of their diet and folklore. Here is a recipe for Indian pudding, a popular dessert made from cornmeal, that often finds its way onto many Thanksgiving tables.

Being grateful for the little things - like the food we eat - can help make your Thanksgiving holiday feel more authentic.

Shopping Tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

on Tuesday, 15 November 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Are you prepared for your holiday shopping? Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming up, and we've got some tips so you can easily shop for those bargains!

  • Before you do anything, make a list. If it's not on your list, no matter how great the discount, you're not saving anything by making an impulse buy. If you’re thinking about purchases beyond your gift list - for example you KNOW you’ll need a new computer monitor in the spring - then by all means, add it to your shopping list. But otherwise, don't buy a monitor just because it's on sale.
  • Find out what the regular purchase price is for each item on your list, including shipping costs if applicable. A little bit of research on Google shopping will tell you the price at most stores, so you’ll know if the sales price is good or not.
  • Sign up for sales alerts from your favorite stores. If you're opposed to getting all those emails, then obtain a new email account dedicated to promotional deals.
  • Check out the social media pages for your favorite retailers. They often publish special sales.
  • Some of the best information about discounts can be found on sites like or forums like
  • Make careful note of the timetable for sales. Some Black Friday sales start as early as Thanksgiving Day, and some are limited to only a few hours.

With a little research and preparation, you should be able to get your shopping out of the way in order to spend the rest of the holiday weekend with your family.

Happy bargain hunting!

Honor Our Veterans by Casting Your Ballot

on Tuesday, 08 November 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

What does it mean to be an American? It’s not simply a love of our homeland. It's almost like being a member of a large family, where all our parents tell us that we have to look out for each other, and that our dreams will come true if we just work hard enough.

Going out to vote on Election Day is one of the ways we keep our American family together. Voting means that we have a voice in how our communities are being helped as well as issues that affect us personally, like reproductive rights or discrimination laws. Being an American of legal voting age means we are responsible for the rest of our family.

Of course, there are many of us who feel that voting is a chore - not unlike having to cook dinner for the family. But it's important to remember that voting is a privilege that generations of Americans struggled to win, and that there are people in other countries who are still fighting for that right.

And speaking of fighting, there are about 22 million members of our American family - our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters, our mothers and fathers - who are veterans of our armed forces. These family members go out into the world, risking life and limb to keep us safe. These are the people who enable us to continue to call our country “the home of the brave.”

November means that we honor our family, our fellow Americans, by going to the polls, and taking the time to thank our veterans, either with a handshake or volunteering. This is what it means to be in our family - to insure our families are taken care of now and in the future.

Holiday Shopping Tips

on Tuesday, 01 November 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Does the thought of holiday shopping leave you with that not-so-merry feeling? Here are some tips that can help save you time, money, and stress this holiday season:

  • Santa's done it for years, and so should you: make a list. Decide early what your budget will be and who your gift recipients will be. Consider what gift(s) you'd like each person or family to receive from you. The best presents are usually the ones you think about ahead of time.
  • Decide which retailers you'd like to deal with for your holiday shopping and sign up for their newsletters, apps, and/or text alerts. You'll receive notifications of sales, and often obtain a new customer discount, too.
  • When you do find an online coupon, be prepared at the checkout - either print it beforehand, or have a screenshot on your phone that you can display. No sense in being confronted with no internet service at the checkout line.
  • Team up with a friend or family member for your shopping - share in legwork and research, take advantage of splitting the costs of any buy-one-get-one deals, etc.
  • Don't forget the incidentals like gift wrap. Save money by buying in bulk with others, or make your own from newspaper, boxes or some other unusual items.

Most holiday shopping nightmares come from waiting until the last minute. Think about it this way: would you rather be relaxing with family and friends on Christmas Eve or driving around desperately hoping the local stores are still open. The holiday headache you save may be your own.

A Ghoulish Collection of Halloween Party Foods

on Tuesday, 25 October 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

If you'll be attending a Halloween get-together, need to bring a treat to an office party or just want to surprise your family, here are some of the strangest and/or cutest Halloween fare the internet has to offer:

Halloween only comes once a year, so make it a memorable one!

Fall Hiking Safety

on Tuesday, 18 October 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

There’s a computer technician working on your favorite machine in the gym, and your trusty biometrics app once again needs to be reinstalled. If your workout routine has gotten a little too technological lately, why not take a step back in time?

Hiking is one of the oldest forms of exercise, and with crisp air and glorious fall colors, autumn is the perfect time. With that in mind, here are some safety tips to make sure your fall hikes stay injury-free:

  • The days are shorter now, and darkness comes early. Be sure to plan your hikes accordingly and bring a flashlight.
  • Watch weather reports. The fall months can often be unpredictable, and you never know if a warm sunny morning will turn cold and rainy, or even bring snow.
  • Dress appropriately. Layers are the key to staying comfortable.
  • Make sure your hiking boots have been broken in properly before tackling long hikes. There's no sense in having painful blisters ruin your good time.
  • Autumn is also hunting season. Wear something bright and stay away from earth-toned colors as well as brown or black. Also make some noise so that hunters will hear you—whistle, sing, or carry on a conversation.
  • Watch out for leaves on the trail. Newly fallen leaves can camouflage the terrain, making navigation difficult. Wet leaves can cause slippery conditions.
  • Be careful walking near water, particularly on slippery wet rocks. You may not realize how tired you are until you try to swim to safety, so drowning is a real issue.
  • Although the days are cooler, you can still get sunburned. Wear a hat and sunscreen.

A few precautions can make all the difference in your autumn hike—stay safe!

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