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Your Kids May Have Zoom Burnout Too

on Tuesday, 01 June 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

If you’ve looked at your schedule and cringed at the thought of yet another Zoom meeting, then you’re probably not alone. After more than a year of the pandemic, and hundreds of virtual meetings, you’re tired. It may surprise you to learn that your kids are just as weary as you are. Like you, kids don’t like sitting in the same place hour after hour, staring at the same four walls and computer screen. 

There are some ways to make it more interesting for them. Consider brightening up their room, adding colorful posters or decorations to keep them visually stimulated. Try using their favorite photos or bright post-it notes with encouraging messages.

It’s also important to engage with your kids. Talk to them. Get their opinions on what they like and don’t like about virtual learning. Find out what motivates them and what distracts them. Where are they having the hardest time? If you have multiple children try putting them together so they don’t feel so isolated. Or if they’re distracting each other, try separating them. Your children are unique, so your solution may need to be just as unique. 

They say a positive attitude will take you far, and that statement applies to you as well. Remember that your kids will take cues from you. Resist the urge to complain about virtual meetings in front of them. Face those digital shindigs with an upbeat attitude and your kids are more likely to follow your example.  

Like it or not, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed things. Zoom meetings are likely here to stay. If you can’t change things, then the only way forward is with a smile. It’s a lesson that not only applies to adults, but to kids as well.

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