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What Foods to Eat Before and After Exercise

on Tuesday, 10 May 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

You can probably find an article or a medical or science study to support any kind of diet or fitness regimen. Some will tell you to fast before a workout; others to fast after a workout. Some say to load up on carbs or protein. Depending on the source, it’s lots of fruits and vegetables or no fruits or vegetables. It can be very confusing. Your own body is usually the best guide when it comes to what to eat before and after you exercise.

The perfect workout shouldn't leave you feeling dizzy or bloated. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water. Keeping hydrated should keep you from feeling lightheaded. The American Council on Exercise suggests drinking 17-20 ounces of water 2 hours before the start of your workout, then 7-10 ounces every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise. Overall, for the day, you should be consuming 90-150 ounces of liquids, including water.

As far as food goes, make sure whatever you eat around workout time is easily digestible. This is not the time for broccoli— which will leave you feeling bloated and gassy. Choose healthy carb-rich foods like whole grains or fat-free yogurt. An apple or banana is an excellent quick snack fix 5-10 minutes before your workout.

Post workout is a great time to add proteins, which help repair your muscles. A protein shake or yogurt with fruit both make an excellent choice. 

Your body is smarter than you give it credit for. Listen to it when it comes to eating before and after a workout.

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