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Ways to Get Your Kids to Exercise

on Tuesday, 09 December 2014. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

“It’s a nice day! What are you doing in here watching TV?”

As a parent, you may have said it more than once. These days, the ‘great outdoors’ has to compete with not only the television, but also Internet, video games and all sort of other modern gadgetry.

Getting your kids to exercise can be a workout by itself. Here are some tips to help you get the kids to put down the game controller and start developing good exercise habits that will last them a lifetime. 

  • It all starts with you. It should come as no surprise that your children will pick up many of their habits from their parents. If you want them to exercise, that means you will have to lead by example, even if you’re tired from a long day’s work.
  • Try adding some music. Exercise won’t seem like such a grind when everybody’s dancing to some heart-pumping tunes. It’s the perfect time to introduce your kids to some of your old favorites as well as finding out what they like to listen to.
  • Make a set time for exercise. It’s a lot easier to include when you’ve already made a place for it in your busy schedule. 

Above all, try to make it fun. You can add challenges, games and anything else you can think of such as a family Olympics. After all, who doesn’t want to win the gold now and then?

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