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Today is…

on Tuesday, 22 June 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

You may have noticed that, except for the 4th of July, the summer months are devoid of major holidays. Maybe it’s an oversight or maybe people are too busy enjoying the fine weather to celebrate. If you’re one of those people who think there just aren’t enough holidays, then you’re in luck because even though the big ones won’t arrive until fall, there are still plenty on the calendar for you to enjoy.

In the month of June, for example, you have Heimlich Maneuver Day on June 1st to kick things off and Meteor Day on June 30th to finish the month strong. Along the way you can enjoy Hug Your Cat Day on June 4th, have lunch in the sunshine on International Picnic Day on June 18th or get wild and crazy on June 15th’s World Juggling Day. For those who like deep-fried holidays, you can stop for a bite to eat on June 22nd to commemorate National Onion Rings Day, and if you can’t bear to leave your favorite pooch behind, bring them with you on Take Your Dog to Work Day, celebrated on June 21st.

That’s just a small sampling from one month. Look around and you’re sure to find a holiday that suits your fancy. None of them are as famous as Halloween or Christmas, but fun is where you make it. Speaking of fun, maybe you just can’t find a holiday that fits your preferences. Not to worry. When in doubt, you can always make one of your own. 

Life is meant to be enjoyed, so in that spirit, have a great and holiday-filled summer. 

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