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Tips to Avoid Emotional Eating

on Tuesday, 24 March 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Do you find yourself eating until you are Thanksgiving-Day stuffed? Do you grab fast food on the way home from a stressful day at work because the thought of cooking seems like more tension in your day?

Does a nasty phone call from your mother cause you to crave something sweet?

Too often we don’t eat for the most important reason--because our bodies need the fuel. We should eat when we are hungry, and stop eating when we are full. After many years of dieting or hectic schedules, we may have forgotten what the real hunger cues are actually like, and depend instead on responding to our feelings or emotions. 

If you feel that emotional eating is sabotaging your health or causing weight gain, here are some tips:

  • Avoid the addictive foods. If you know you can’t say no to just one potato chip, then don’t buy them. 
  • Pack your own food or meals so they are convenient and aren’t someone else’s idea of “healthy”.
  • Don’t feel obligated to eat food that’s offered to you if you aren’t hungry. 
  • Pay attention to how your stomach feels after each bite. Stop eating when you feel halfway full. 

As soon as you recognize that you feel stress, find something other than food that will actually make you feel better such as a hot bath, a long walk, listening to music, deep breathing exercises, or laughing at funny cat videos. Paying attention to your body’s needs is the best way to take charge of your health.

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