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Tipping Our Hat to Our Veterans

on Tuesday, 25 May 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

As we approach summer, it’s easy to forget the freedoms we take for granted, especially when we’re surrounded by all that Memorial Day advertising. It’s only when we take a look at other places around the world that don’t enjoy those same freedoms, that we can truly get a sense of perspective. Thousands of men and women have given their lives so we can be free. 

This Memorial Day, let’s remember and be thankful. 

It really doesn’t take very long at all. Visit a nearby veteran’s cemetery and lay down a flag or a simple wreath. Every Memorial Day the President issues a Proclamation— a prayer for peace. Take a moment to read it and observe a moment of respect at 3:00 PM local time. 

You can celebrate a patriotic Memorial Day in other ways as well. Why not a red, white and blue themed entrée or desert at that cookout?  Know someone with a loved one serving overseas? Reach out and invite them over. If you have a flag, be sure to keep it at half-mast until noon, before raising it proudly for the remainder of the day.

If you want to get a little more involved, there’s always the VFW’s ‘Buddy Poppy’ program. Every year, VFW veterans and volunteers make red paper flowers to ship to VFW posts to encourage community donations. The program is a great way for you and your kids to appreciate the true meaning of Memorial Day.

On this official first day of summer, raise a glass, take a moment of silence, and remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. 

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