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Thinking About Getting Ready for School

on Tuesday, 17 August 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Summer is slowly winding down. You know what that means? Yes, it’s that most wonderful time of year: back to school season! Well, not quite. There’s still some summer vacation to go, but it is time to at least get ready to start getting ready. 

School is a different routine than you and your kids have been used to, and it can be a little jarring if you’re changing things at the last minute. The best time to get used to a new routine is before you must get used to a new routine. Before that all-important first day arrives, get the family used to the new time schedule. That means no more staying up all night. Establish regular bed times and meal times.

Knowledge is your best defense against the unexpected. If you’re going to a new school, learn the layout of the building. Check with your child’s teachers to get a sense of their methods and expectations. Find out if there are any forms to fill out such as registration or medical forms. Is there any special equipment you or your child will need beyond the basic notebooks and pencils? Now is the time to gather information and create a plan for success.

It’s a new school year and a chance for a fresh start. Talk to your kids about what you expect from them and what they can do differently, especially if the previous year wasn’t a roaring success. Make sure to listen to them and access their concerns. Being proactive in this way can help you nip problems in the bud.

Even if studying is not your child’s favorite activity, going back to school is exciting in a lot of ways. With a little prior planning you can make sure school days don’t become a school daze.

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