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The Hope of a New Spring

on Tuesday, 02 March 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness


For everything, turn, turn, turn

There is a season, turn, turn, turn…

     ~ Peter, Paul & Mary

The winter can be a bit depressing. If the dark and the cold weren’t enough to get you down, a landscape dominated by dull whites, gray and browns can get old pretty quickly. Fortunately, spring is just around the corner. It may not be time to break out your Bermuda shorts quite yet, but you’ve probably felt the first hints of a warm spring breeze or chanced upon a crocus defying the winter frost to poke its head out.

Spring is hope. It’s hope that the bitter cold will go away, that we can actually go outside without bothering to put on three layers of clothes. It’s also hope that after dreaming all winter on all the new possibilities for our lives we can finally put those plans into action. It’s a time for growth and a time for reinvention— a time to shed the limitations of the past and let those dreams take flight in the warm sun. 

Spring teaches us that even if things haven’t gone the way we’ve wanted in the past, there’s still a chance to turn things around if we dream big and work hard. What you do and how you do it is up to you. To get you started, here are some suggestions for renewal.

Have a great Spring!

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