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Thanks, Dad, for All You Taught Me

on Tuesday, 15 June 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Dads come in all sorts of varieties. There are the traditional kinds like Ward Cleaver who always seemed to have time to throw a ball with his sons or the hard-working sorts who come home exhausted from earning the family bread and promptly curl up on the couch. Whatever variety of father you may have, there are undoubtedly some lessons in life he gave that have stuck with you. 

This Father’s Day, let’s take a moment to reflect on our lives and on those life lessons. Maybe it’s our values or the way we see the world. Maybe it’s the way we handle our business relationships. It could be something as simple as our choice of steak sauce or salad dressing or always keeping our wallet in our front pocket. We’ve probably recycled more than a few of Dad’s famous catch phrases over the years. Have you caught yourself fussing at your kids for leaving the window open and the air conditioning on? Chances are that’s your Dad talking.

It could even be things you learned not to do, like adding a little extra lighter fluid to the charcoal grill at just the wrong time, or a home improvement project that didn’t go quite the way Dad envisioned it. The list is endless and as unique as you and Dad.

Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we are who we are in part because of Dad. Those life lessons stick with us as the years pass. This Father’s Day, say thank you and don’t forget to be a little careful around that grill. 

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