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Surviving the Summer Heat

on Tuesday, 06 July 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

‘We are having a heat wave

A tropical heat wave

The temperature's rising, it isn't surprising…’

      - Ella Fitzgerald

You don’t need a famous singer to tell you it’s hot out there. From the wilting plants to the rippling streets, the mercury is about to bust. What to do? Well, the obvious choice is to retreat back inside and take shelter in front of the air conditioner, but that’s no way to live. Here are some ways to enjoy the summer, heat and all.

Plan activities for morning and evening to take advantage of the cooler air. Have fun in the morning and rest up during those scorching afternoons so you can spring back into action once the temperatures start to drop a little.

Plan ahead. If you know you’re going to be outside in the heat, bring plenty of sunscreen and water. The summer sun is stronger than you realize. You may think are a few hours in the afternoon won’t hurt you, but those summer rays can damage your skin within minutes. Likewise, you can dry out a lot faster than you think, so fluids are not only cool and refreshing—they’re essential.

Plan to take it easy. A little exercise is great, but you need to understand your limits. Extreme heat places stress on the body. When we’re younger and in good health, we can withstand that stress fairly well. As we get older, we lose some of our ability to adapt. Have your summer fun in moderation and remember to rest often.

Tropical heat wave? No problem. Just remember these tips and make the summer yours!

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