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Supporting Local School Activities: Sports

on Tuesday, 11 August 2020. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The coronavirus has created a rough time for sports fans. Baseball and basketball have had to cancel a large part of their seasons. Hockey has fared no better, and even the mighty NFL has had to suspend all of their normal summer activities. It’s not much better at the local level. Some schools are cautiously optimistic that they can soon resume normal activities, while other districts are considering canceling their sports seasons all together. 

How can you help? The first part is staying connected. Check in with your child’s coach or athletic director. Does your child need special equipment? Training? If their coach isn’t available, find ways you can help fill the gap. Educate yourself about what your child needs to compete and try to make sure they have it.

Try to be a mentor. For many kids who are active in sports, their routine has been disrupted. Talk to them about overcoming adversity. A reality of sports is that you don’t always win, and things don’t always go the way you expect. Now may be the perfect time to help your child with the mental aspects of competition. 

If there is a silver lining to be found in a world without sports being played, it’s that the break provides a chance to upgrade sports facilities. Bleachers need to be replaced, fields resurfaced, and athletic equipment needs to be replaced. If you’re serious about helping, why not consider donating to an athletic booster club at your child’s school? It’s the perfect time to get the maximum benefit from it. 

Sure, sports at your child's school have been disrupted, but that won’t last forever. With your support, your child’s team can be back better than ever. 

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