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Stretch Before You Exercise

on Tuesday, 19 April 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Talk to any doctor and he or she will tell you about the importance of regular exercise. Talk to any physical trainer and he or she will tell you that exercise is great, but stretching before you get started is just as important. It can be hard enough to motivate yourself to exercise without the extra hassle, especially if you’re already pressed for time, but stretching is a step you don’t want to skip.  

Muscles are similar to bundles of fibers, and before you twist and torque on them the way you will during a workout, you want them as limber as possible so they can flex as you do. Think of breaking a piece of dry kindling over your knee and then compare it to trying to break a green sapling. It goes without saying you want to be the sapling in this analogy.

You’ve probably seen athletes do an elaborate stretching routine before a game. You don’t have to go this extreme. Even a 5-minute stretch can do wonders for your workout. It’s even beneficial on its own to improve posture and flexibility and to help reduce everyday aches and pains.

Stretching isn’t just for pre-workout either. Stretching afterwards can help keep muscles from tensing after strenuous exercise, meaning you’re feeling better and ready for what the day will throw at you. Stretching is a great way to keep in the game, so you’re ready for the next workout instead of headed for the trainer’s table.

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