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Spring Series: Growing Vegetables Anywhere

on Tuesday, 01 March 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Winter’s icy grip is finally breaking, and spring is almost here! Spring means warmer weather, getting outside and of course— gardening! In our Spring Series on gardening, we’re going to take a look at how to make a garden work for you. “Gardening?” you may ask as you look around your condo or studio apartment. 


You can actually grow vegetables just about anywhere— a deck right outside your backdoor, a patio or even a balcony. If you don’t have actual ground available to you, no problem. You can still turn that sunny breakfast nook into something you can use. Container gardening is easy and simple, and you’d be surprised how much you can truly grow. 

It will require a little bit of planning. Vegetables, like any plant, need a healthy supply of light, fertilizer and water. When you have a small space, all three can present challenges. Here are some ways to overcome them.

You’ll also want to carefully plan what you want to grow. Sure, it might be nice to have towering rows of corn or sunflowers that reach for the sky, but it’s not always practical. Look for plants that are compact growers such as pole beans or peppers. Also, some plants do quite well when they have close neighbors. Others are like a crotchety old hermit and like their space.

A garden is a great way to make the most of spring, and it’s a hobby that everyone can enjoy. If you don’t have acres of wide-open fields a small garden might be just the thing to liven up your living space.

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