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Monday is a holiday?

on Tuesday, 15 February 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Next week we celebrate President’s Day, originally created in 1885 in recognition of our 1st President, George Washington. The “Washington’s Birthday” name changed to “Presidents’ Day” in 1971 when it became one of the “Monday holidays” designed to give the nation’s workers more three-day weekends. 

Just for fun, here is some Presidential trivia:

  • Harry S. Truman was the poorest President, worth less than $1 million dollars in 2010 dollars.
  • John F. Kennedy was the richest by far, living off a personal $10 million trust fund, and worth well over $1 billion in 2010 dollars.
  • Calvin Coolidge grew up in a Vermont farmhouse without electricity or telephone. In fact, that’s where he was when he found out he had succeeded to the Presidency, when Warren G. Harding died unexpectedly.
  • Abraham Lincoln grew up very poor and was criticized for marrying into the wealthy Todd family prior to his Presidency.
  • After Ulysses S. Grant lost his bid for a third term, nearly broke, he invested in a firm created by his successful son and a partner. The partner ultimately swindled all the investors, including Grant, leaving him destitute. 
  • President Rutherford B. Hayes and his temperance-supporting wife “Lemonade Lucy” maintained an alcohol-free White House after a single reception where they served wine. His critics accused him of being a tightwad, so he used the money he saved (which came out of his personal funds) from not serving alcohol, on more lavish entertainments. 

Enjoy your holiday week!

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