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Let's Go Nuts!

on Tuesday, 25 March 2014. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

A famous candy bar slogan reads “Sometimes you feel like a nut…”Well, they weren’t just talking about your mental state. Nuts can be a tasty part of a healthy diet, but they can be a little tricky to include. Read on for ways to maximize the health benefits of nuts.

Nuts contain good nutrients like healthyfats, protein, fiber, and vitamin E. These substances are great for the health of your heart and your blood. Fat and fiber can help you feel full while eating less food. Vitamin E is also great for your skin and hair.

Some of the healthiest nuts include cashews, almonds, and pistachios. These contain the lowest calories with the highest density of good nutrition. Macadamia nuts and pecans are at the opposite end of the spectrum. They contain more calories, but their levels of protein and other nutrients tend to be on the low side.  And beware, nuts that are highly salted or have sugary coatings could do more damage than good to your diet.

Serving size is very important when eating nuts. Depending on the size of the nut, a serving size might be just a few pieces to maximize the health advantages.

  • Walnuts contain high levels of the omega-3 fats which promote good heart health.  A serving of 8 walnuts delivers just what you need.
  • Almonds are low in calories, but loaded with calcium and other minerals. A handful of almonds (about 23) every day can aid in preventing weight gain while helping to lower cholesterol.
  • The recommended serving size for cashews is 18 nuts. These nuts are a good source of vitamin K and folate, which are good for healthy strong bones.

Nuts can be a tasty and nutritious substitute for snacks or side dishes. When the serving size is right, these treats pack a powerful punch for good health. Add in some nuts to your daily diet; then you can encourage everyone around you to “go nuts!”