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Keeping Up Your Exercise Routine in the Winter

on Tuesday, 02 November 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

When the weather is nice, it’s not that hard to motivate yourself to go for a brisk jog along that pretty nature trail or do your favorite aerobics workout in the nearby park. But once it gets cold the equation changes. Who wants to go out and exercise in the freezing cold? Here are some ways to keep up your regular exercise routine even when the thermometer says you should be home curled up in front of the fireplace.

Dress to stay dry, not just warm. The fastest way to lose body heat is to get wet. In the winter, look for synthetic fabrics that wick away moisture rather than a cotton t-shirt that will leave you sweaty and miserable. On another clothing note, make sure to dress in layers so you can peel off clothes as you heat up and then put them back on after a workout. Remember your fingers, toes and ears are more vulnerable to extreme cold than the rest of you, so don’t forget the hat and gloves. 

Also remember that in the winter it’s not just cold you have to watch out for, but also darkness. If you’re outside, skip the black and go for bright colors so oncoming traffic can more easily see you.

Winter brings ice and snow with it, so check the surface before you start running on it and make sure whatever shoes you’re wearing have good traction and plenty of tread. Don’t forget your skin either. It can take a beating during the winter, so don’t skimp on the lip protection and moisturizer. 

Following these suggestions will not only help keep you safe, but also more comfortable. A more comfortable workout means you’re more likely to finish it rather than cutting it short, and you’ll be ready for the next one rather than letting your fitness routine hibernate through the winter. 

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