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on Tuesday, 16 February 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

We often plunge into the New Year with great intentions, but fast-forward a few weeks, and we’re already losing steam on our resolutions. If your New Year’s resolution needs a little pick me up, read on for some suggestions to increase your chance of success. 

Buddy up to give your motivation a boost. 

If you’re struggling, you might have a friend who is feeling the same way. Discuss your goals, and find a way to be accountable to each other. It’s often easier to stick with your plan when you know someone will be checking up on your results. In addition, getting support and positive feedback will strengthen your resolve.    

Changing habits takes time

Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. Find a way to mark your progress visually. If you’re trying to replace a bad habit with a good habit, try recording the number of days that you have practiced your new habit in a way you can see. You can check off days on a calendar or create a countdown of sticky notes on your wall. Seeing how far you have come will help you resist the temptation to backslide.

Break your big goal into smaller ones. 

If you find yourself fighting too hard to reach your target, you might need to aim for closer targets first. Think small and specific instead of big and vague. You can create dramatic changes if you have a step-by-step plan. To replace a vague goal like “I want to lose weight,” decide how you will measure your progress, such as pounds lost, inches lost, or a different clothing size. Then set up the actions you will need to take to meet your goal. Add one action step at a time instead of doing everything at once.  

Every now and again you will have an off-day where you feel like you aren’t making headway. Forgive yourself and don’t give up. Reassess your goals, review your progress, and give it another try the next day. A positive attitude and persistence will see you through to the end.

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