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How Protein Snacks Help Boost Energy

on Tuesday, 24 August 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The morning was rough, but you’ve made it through lunch. Now the afternoon stretches out before you like a huge, inhospitable desert. Your first thought may be to reach for a burst of sugar to give you some quick energy. However, there is an alternative. Protein snacks can give you the lasting energy you need to make it through. 

The major difference between the protein snack and sugar, is how the body processes different types of foods. Foods high in sugar are processed quickly, which is why we feel that quick burst of energy. Proteins, by contrast, are more of a slow burn, giving lasting energy that won’t give out on us. Proteins are broken down and used to make other proteins and to build muscle. Excess fats, often found in sugary snacks, are stored in fat cells. 

As much as a third of our caloric intake comes from snacking, which means our choice of snacks is going to have a large effect on our overall diet and health. Snacks that contain protein help keep you full longer. It’s more bang for the buck as it were. 

Just as important as what protein snacks have, is what they don’t have— namely sugar, bad carbohydrates and extra calories that go into those aforementioned fat cells. A diet high in protein can help you reduce body fat and lower high cholesterol. It also reduces the risk of associated diseases like diabetes. 

 As a general rule, less processed snacks are better for you. A quick check of the ingredients lists on the back of the package is a good way to gauge. A short list full of things you recognize is a lot better than a long list full of complex chemicals you can barely pronounce.

Give protein snacks a try if you haven’t already. Check out this list for some easy ideas. Sometimes the simplest way is the healthiest way.

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