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Happy Thanksgiving

on Tuesday, 24 November 2020. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

With an increase in COVID-19 cases leading into the holiday season, and health experts recommending a virtual Thanksgiving, many of us are wondering what our national day of thanks will look like this year.

There’s often so much going on, so many people to please, and lots of dishes to cook and messes to clean up, that it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and forget to stop and enjoy the reason we celebrate in the first place.

So, maybe it’s best to stay home, stay safe and reflect on what really matters. Forget the fancy outfits, intricate dishes and the decorations. Instead, cook your favorites, enjoy the members of your household, and relax. You deserve it!

Whatever you eat, whoever you’re with, what are you thankful for this year?

Happy Thanksgiving!

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