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Halloween - Costumes and Candy

on Tuesday, 27 October 2020. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

This year has been far from typical, and it’s looking like Halloween 2020 is going to follow suit. But just because social distancing is the new norm, doesn’t mean you can’t still break out your most creative costumes and collect candy by the pillowcase. Although it will be different, this Halloween can still be fun!

Escape from reality and be the talk of your virtual Halloween party with one of these oh-so-2020 costumes:

  • Tiger King  Reminisce on the early days of quarantine by dressing up as a character from Tiger King. Get the Joe Exotic look with a fake mullet, mustache, jeans and a flashy shirt or blazer. Or, channel Carol Baskin by dressing in animal prints and a flower crown.
  • Burned-Out Work-From-Home Mom  This costume is easy to execute for the moms who are juggling work, household chores and homeschooling their kids while trying to hang on to their sanity. Pull your hair up in a messy bun, put on your favorite t-shirt and slip into your comfiest leggings, and voila! You have a relevant and super trendy costume!
  • Astronaut  Relive this year’s historical Space-X launch by dressing up as a NASA astronaut—an easy costume to find online or to piece together with wardrobe staples and some creativity.
  • A 2020 Rare Commodity  Poke fun at the toilet paper and cleaning product shortage of last spring by dressing as a roll of Charmin or your favorite scent of Bath & Body Works hand sanitizer.

Traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating may be off the table due to current COVID trends in your area. However, with careful planning, you can still collect sweet treats. Follow these tips to reduce your chances of contracting the virus:

  • Incorporate a mask into your costume.
  • Trick-or-treat with members of your household only.
  • Wash hands (or use hand sanitizer) frequently.
  • Avoid touching your face, and stay six feet apart from other groups.
  • Wait to eat candy until you return home.

Safely pass out candy to neighborhood kids by:

  • Creating a chute to send candy through.
  • Leaving the bowl of candy out unattended.
  • Leave individually wrapped goody bags in your driveway or on your front porch for kids to pick up.

Click here to check the Covid-19 risk levels in your area and to find more safe ways to celebrate Halloween 2020. Happy Haunting! 

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