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Green Therapy

on Tuesday, 08 June 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Back in the old days, parents used to tell their kids to “go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine.” Of course, those were the days before cellphones, TikTok and fancy interactive video games. It can sometimes be hard to tear the kids (or yourself) off the couch long enough to enjoy the great outdoors. The effort is worth it though, because nature- so-called Green Therapy- can be a great way to heal both mind and body.

Humans are designed for fresh air and sunshine. In fact, as anyone who’s experienced seasonal depression will tell you, we suffer when we don’t get them. There’s research out there that suggests fresh air and sunshine stimulates the creation of positive endorphins in the brain that make us feel better and give us the fortitude to better handle stress. 

Getting out and enjoying nature doesn’t mean a brutal survival trek through the wilderness, unless of course that happens to appeal to you. There are other, simpler ways to enjoy the outdoors that don’t involve eating bark or fighting off grizzly bears. Take a walk in the park, paint a picture underneath a shady tree. Try some nature inspired crafts, like making your own grape arbor or sculpting with natural clay. Plan and grow a garden, or if you don’t have the space in your yard (or a yard) then create a ‘green’ space in your house or apartment. 

Nature is out there, begging to be enjoyed. Get out there and breathe in that fresh air! It’s not only fun, but good for you as well. 

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