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Getting Your Feet Ready for Spring Running

on Tuesday, 26 May 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Spring has finally returned, and now you emerge from that long sedentary winter ready to get out there in the sunshine and run again.

Not so fast! You might be ready, but that doesn't mean your feet are! Those tootsies of yours have been cooped up in the house just like you have, and they need to get a little care before you hit the road.

Is it time for new shoes? If you're planning on wearing your old pair, remember that they're only "good" for about 300 to 500 miles (that includes using them for other sports and just casual walking). When you're buying new shoes, find a store with employees who run, so they know what you're talking about. 

A good way to prevent plantar fasciitis—a common foot ailment for runners— is to do some stretching exercises.  Here’s a good one to start:

Stand on a curb facing the sidewalk. Rest the middle of one foot on the edge of the curb with your heel extended beyond the curb. Keep the other foot completely on the sidewalk, and slowly lower your heel enough to give your Achilles tendon and calf muscle a good stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat several times for each foot.

Let's take care of those blisters before they get started. The key is to stop friction. Coat your feet with Vaseline, and wear two pairs of socks. Apply lotion to your feet on a daily basis and wear synthetic socks, which help let the moisture from your feet evaporate. 

Starting a new running routine? We can help! Contact us today and we'll help you get started!

Now take those happy feet out to play!

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