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Fun Gifts for Mom

on Tuesday, 03 May 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

“Our mothers always remain the strangest, craziest people we’ve ever met.”

—Marguerite Duras

It’s Mother’s Day, which means it’s time to find the perfect gift for Mom. Every child knows by heart the many things our mothers have taught us, and in particular, the words she used to express herself. Rather than the run-of-the-mill candy or flowers or yet another gift card, why not choose gifts related to the phrases Mom most often used on us?

"Don't make me turn this car around!" Obviously, Mom would appreciate a back-up camera for the vehicle. 

"Pick that up before someone trips on it and breaks their neck!" LEGO makes a floral bouquet building kit. Mom would love it!

"Do you think money grows on trees?" This one is more normally associated with Dad, but plenty of moms have uttered these words too. What to get? Well, a money tree, of course.

"Don't make that face! It's going to freeze like that!" Facial masks are the answer here.

"Someday you’ll thank me for this!" How about a gratitude journal?

"This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you." What is Mom trying to say? Maybe she would like any kind of hair removal kit that promises that it's pain-free.

"You should have that phone surgically implanted in your ear." This is an easy one: anything for the ear— earrings, ear buds or a year's supply of Q-tips.

"You will ALWAYS be my baby." Face it, you can't top that one. Just hug her and promise you'll always clean your plate and your room, and you'll never flick things at her head in the car again.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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