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Easy Nutritious Meals for Seniors

on Tuesday, 11 May 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Cooking is fun… up to a point. When you’re young, it can be a creative outlet for your culinary passion. When you’re older, just getting into the kitchen can be a struggle. For seniors, the best of all possible worlds is delicious, nutritious, and most importantly… easy!

It’s also important to understand that our nutritional needs change as we age. A heaping plate of steak and potatoes may be just the thing when we’re younger, but it doesn’t work as well for seniors. One big difference is a decrease in appetite. The medications many seniors take may result in a dry mouth, or cause a change in their sense of taste. Decreased appetite doesn’t mean a change in the body’s nutritional needs; it just means seniors need to get more nutritional value from the food they do eat— more bang for the buck as it were. Here’s a link from MedicinePlus that gives you a good idea of how it works.

With that said, on to some recipes, courtesy of A Place for Mom, a website devoted to senior living. The recipes include some great choices such as rich and flaky salmon, a great low calorie source of protein that’s loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and energy-boosting B vitamins. It also includes plenty of veggie recipes as well as a great quiche, a seemingly luxurious breakfast that’s surprisingly cheap and easy to make. 

Give these ideas and recipes a try. After all, there’s no reason great nutrition and great taste can’t go hand in hand. 

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