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Dealing with Depression

on Tuesday, 10 August 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The Monday morning blues. A bad case of the mopes. Down in the dumps. We have all sorts of catchy phrases for when we’re feeling out of sorts. Feeling down, especially when we’ve suffered some sort of loss or failure, is perfectly normal. It’s what we do next that’s important.

There are times when our feelings of despair are more than a simple case of the blues, and it’s imperative that we realize the difference in severity between just feeling down and something more serious. In those cases, we may need to reach out and seek help. 

When coping with depression, it’s important to start small. A problem can seem vast and the solution too large to take on. Rather than trying to tackle everything at once, concentrate on small steps you can take to help the situation. Every journey begins with a single step.

Don’t feel down about being down. It’s okay to wallow a little. Just don’t make it a habit. If possible, try to use the time constructively. Consider writing in a journal about how you’re feeling. Also remember that just because today was a rough day, doesn’t mean the next day will be. If you didn’t accomplish your goals today, tomorrow is a chance to try again. Make sure your goals are realistic given your situation. You want to set yourself up to succeed. 

It’s okay to pat yourself on the back for a job well done, too. It may have only been a small step on a long journey, but you accomplished it. Recognize that success. The memory of a job well done will stay with you and help you fight the negative voices in your head.

Depression can be a tough adversary. These suggestions won’t always turn a rotten day into a cornucopia of sunshine and rainbows, but they can make things a little more pleasant in the meantime. 

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