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Dealing with Anxiety

on Tuesday, 03 August 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

You’re sweating, your throat is dry, and your heart seems like it’s about to pound its way out of your chest. There’s an empty pit where your stomach should be. It could be the eve of the big game or just your first day of school, but the feeling is the same. 

It’s important to realize the difference between times where you’re naturally going to be a little anxious, such as a big job interview, and a general feeling of unease that never seems to go away. For the latter it may be necessary to seek out professional counseling or other more intensive treatments. For the former, there are a number of things you can do to keep your anxiety at bay.

Take care of yourself. There’s an old saying that if the body feels good, the mind will follow. One of the roots of anxiety is a perceived lack of control over a situation. Physical well-being is something you have a fair amount of control over. Eat healthy foods, get plenty of exercise and make sure you get plenty of sleep on a regular schedule.

Take a time out. Give yourself a chance to relax, even if it’s only for a few minutes. You can also practice things like yoga. Try listening to music, meditation or some basic relaxation techniques. Sometimes stepping back from a problem is the best way to get back on a positive track.

Figure out what triggers your anxiety. Is it a specific situation such as work or school or perhaps a specific person? Once you’ve helped isolate the problem, then you can work on specific solutions.

These suggestions are just a partial list. You may need to experiment until you can find a solution that works best for you. It won’t solve everything, but it can make life a little less daunting. 

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