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Creative Savings

on Tuesday, 03 June 2014. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

We all wish we had more money in our savings accounts. But how? You want to save more but there isn’t any extra money in the budget. Here are some creative ways to add to your savings when you can.

Extra Cash

You may have extra cash you did not think you had. Take the cash from rebates, tax refunds, and bonus checks and add to your savings. You always have change rattling around in your pocket or purse. Create a change jar and watch the coins pile up. Nickels and dimes add up to dollars and dollars add up to increased savings. Some banks even have a machine you can use to put your coins in, to make an automatic deposit to your savings account.

Trash or Treasure?

Have a garage sale. You've heard it said that one man's trash is another man's treasure. Sell everything you haven’t used, worn, or looked at for 6 months. To get more people, have a neighborhood sale. Still have unused gifts or a door prize? Turn them into cash by selling them online or at a consignment shop.

Reduce Spending and Add Cash to Savings

Groceries can be a major expense item. Make a grocery list before you go and stick to it. You can save money by shopping at discount grocery stores and don’t forget to use coupons. Take advantage of the reward points available at some grocery stores to purchase gas. The few dollars you save in the grocery budget will be a little more you can add to savings.

So gather up all those nickels and dimes, cash in that bonus check, and plan that garage sale. Get started adding more money to your savings account. Saving even small amounts will add up.