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Best Walking Shoes

on Tuesday, 26 April 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Walking is a great form of exercise, especially when you’re getting older or haven’t had a regular fitness routine in a while. It’s a good way to ease back into the groove until you’re ready for a more vigorous routine. Unlike running, walking is a lot easier on your joints and ligaments. You don’t even need any special equipment with one major exception— good walking shoes. 

When looking for walking shoes, look for ones specifically designed for walking rather than settling for cross-training or running shoes. Walking is an entirely different motion from running and places different stresses on your foot. When walking your heel will impact the ground first, then the ball of your foot as you take a step. A pair of walking shoes should be flexible. To test one, twist it. It should easily bend at the ball of the foot since that’s where your foot will bend when you walk. Check the toe as well. It should be slightly off the ground so the shoe slightly rocks when you roll it forward, just as your foot will when walking.

When using a shoe for any purpose it’s always better to go with function over fashion. Sure, you want it to look good, but the most important thing is that it’s comfortable and does what you need it to do. Don’t get too caught up on brand names either. A generic shoe that fits is infinitely more valuable to you than a fancy shoe that doesn’t.

Walking is a great way to get out and get some exercise without wearing yourself out but be sure to get the right shoes. Your feet will thank you for it. 

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